Welcome to Guy’s Lodge Website.  We, the members of Guy’s Lodge, are particularly proud of our lodge, its history, and what it has achieved over the years being an integral part of the local community.  

Freemasonry is based on the masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth.  The members of guys lodge hold these principles dear; trying to help our neighbours in the community, relieving suffering where we can and being truthful and honest in everything we do.

It is a particular honour to be elected as Worshipful Master of Guy’s Lodge and contribute to our website. We were founded in 1829 and, as we rapidly approach our 200th year, it is important to maintain that balance of history and tradition keeping Freemasonry fresh and modern. People become involved with Freemasonry for a variety of reasons; for some it is to make new friends, others place more emphasis on helping deserving causes and contributing to society, but for everyone it is an enjoyable hobby, it is fun. I think my favourite description of Freemasonry is that “it makes a good man better”.

Guy’s Lodge is a particularly active Lodge with 7 regular meetings through the year and we have a good number of younger members.  Freemasonry teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies and at Guy’s Lodge we place particular emphasis on encouraging, teaching and mentoring all of the Brethren – remember Freemasonry is fun and should be enjoyed.  Freemasonry, through the United Grand Lodge of England, is restricted to men.   It is open to all men, irrespective of their race, religion, sexual orientation or position in life – we are a very mixed bag.

I think the most important feature of Guy’s Lodge is that we are open and welcoming, if you have any interest in Freemasonry then don’t be shy about getting in touch.  I look forward to meeting you at our Lodge rooms in Leamington.

Sincere and fraternal greetings.

Matt Swift

Worshipful Master, Guy's Lodge 395

What Makes Guy's Lodge Special ?

Guy’s Lodge was founded in 1829 making it one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in England. We have around 40 members and our aim is to enjoy our masonry, build strong friendships and help raise funds for worthy cause.

As with all Freemasons, we make contributions to many charities both local and national. In recent years Guy’s Lodge have supported locally Myton Hospice, Guide Dogs for the Blind, The Baby Unit at Warwick Hospital, Whizz Kids and Warwickshire Air Ambulance. Virtually all our charitable funds come directly from Freemasons.

Guy’s Lodge is a busy fun society to be part of, and a lively lodge life is at the centre of this. During the year we organise a number of social events when we invite our wives and families to join us. These range from wine tasting evenings to carol concerts and are always well supported.

Freemasonry is about fellowship and happiness, and we consider Guy’s Lodge to be a fantastic purveyor of both.

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa

Lodge Life

Guy's Lodge 395 and Guy's Chapter 395 meets at Victoria House, Willes Road, Royal Leamington Spa.

Guy’s Lodge is one of Royal Leamington Spa’s local Masonic lodges which meets at Victoria House, Willes Road, Leamington Spa.  The Lodge meets on the first Monday in each month from October to April inclusive.

Our new Master is installed at a special Ceremony each January and after our December meeting we have our annual Christmas dinner when we invite our wives and families to join us.

Regular Lodge meetings start at 6.15 pm and lasts for about 1½ hours after which we have a 3 course meal known as our Festive Board. Our dress code is black tie.

We also run a Lodge of Instruction which is an informal meeting for Brethren to meet and learn about masonry.  The Lodge of Instruction meets on the second Monday of the month October to May.

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa

Discover Freemasonry

Our members come from all walks of life and each with their own unique story why they became a Freemason:

Start your journey

What is Freemasonry?

Life of a Freemason

Origins of Freemasonry

Principals of Freemasonry

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa

How To Join

Guy’s Lodge is always delighted to hear from non-masons looking to know more with a possible view to joining and existing Masons looking for a new Lodge to join.


If you would like to join Guy's Lodge simply use the contact form below to get in touch.

Would you like to become a Freemason?

Your questions answered

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

Although its roots lie in the traditions and ceremonies of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles, modern Freemasonry is about making friends with like minded men from all faiths and backgrounds who follow a moral and ethical approach to life.

It is an organisation of men who believe that the worth of a man can be measured . . . not by wealth or by fame, but by his deeds, character and by his love for others.

When the United Grand Lodge of England was formed the age of majority was 21 years. It is possible to join a Lodge at the younger age of 18, but special permission will be required from the Provincial Grand Master of Warwickshire.

In this enlightened age of sexual equality, the United Grand Lodge Of England may be thought to be out of step in insisting on a men-only status for its members. However, the traditions of Freemasonry are held in high regard by all our members and are not regarded as sexist.

The Lodge of Unity, in common with other Lodges, places a high degree of importance on involving wives and partners in social events.

Freemasonry itself is not exclusively confined to men, even though the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), to which the Lodge of Unity subscribes does not admit women.

Informal relations between UGLE and The Order of Women Freemasons remain cordial and cooperative and the regularity and sincerity of the movement is acknowledged.

Send our Secretary an message using the Contact form below and providing him with your details. A Member of Guy’s Lodge will then contact you to explain in more detail what is involved.

We find that a good way to introduce prospective Members to the Lodge is to extend an invitation to one of our social functions and you will also have an opportunity to visit our Lodge rooms.

Should you express an interest in joining Freemasonry, we will arrange for a couple of our more experienced Brethren to visit your home. The purpose of this visit is to enable you and your family to ask questions and be sure of the commitment involved.

  • You must be a man aged 21 or over, be of good character and believe in a Supreme Being.
  • You should not have any criminal convictions.
  • You should enjoy the company of other men from a wide range of social and working environments
  • If you are a family man, it is very important that your family obligations come first, and your partner is supportive of your membership.
  • You should be able to afford the joining fees and continuing membership fees without hardship to your family.
  • Your time commitment will initially be to attend seven Lodge meetings per year and seven Lodge of Instruction meetings but progressively, committee meetings and rehearsals will take up additional evenings.
  • You should be willing to take part in our rituals.
  • You should understand and accept that Freemasonry does not exist to assist its Members in their business or employment. Therefore, you should not expect any pecuniary gain from your membership.
  • Our Lodge is firmly committed to supporting both Masonic and non Masonic charities and we are proud of the significant sums of money which we raise for these purposes. However, Members of the Lodge are not expected to contribute beyond their means and an individual’s contribution is very much a personal matter.

Becoming a Freemason means you’ll be joining about 175,000 members throughout England and Wales, as well as Districts overseas.

Membership is open to people from all backgrounds and the organisation’s aim is to empower members to be the best they can be – it’s about building character, supporting members as individuals and helping them make a positive contribution to society.

To begin your journey use the contact form below for more information about joining. You can be assured that we will do all we can to help you.

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa

2024/5 Events

This year we have organised a busy social schedule, events that friends and family can be involved in too:

Events For 2024/5
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 7th October 2024
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 4th November 2024
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 2nd December 2024
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 6th January 2025
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 3rd February 2025
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 6th March 2025
Regular Lodge MeetingMonday 7th April 2025

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa


Guys Lodge 395

Guy's Lodge No. 395

The petition seeking authority from Grand Lodge for the formation of Guy’s Lodge was dispatched by Royal Mail coach from Leamington Spa late in an afternoon of January 1829.  The petition was duly forwarded to Kensington Palace, residence of the His Royal Highness, The Duke of Sussex, then the Most Worshipful Grand Master.  On the 14th February 1829 is was duly endorsed ‘granted’.

The first regular lodge meeting was then held on 18th November 1829 with Nicholas Lee Torre occupying the chair of the Worshipful Master.  The Warrant was then read to the Brethren by the Secretary, Samuel Lea.  This inaugural meeting was held at the Bedford Hotel, now the site of the HSBC Bank on the Parade.  The Lodge met here for the next eights years.  After that the Lodge met at various locations: The Crown Hotel (High Street), the Bath Hotel (Bath Street), the Public Hall (Windsor Street), finally making the move to Victoria House in 1889.

At that time Victoria House belonged to Jonathan Fell, a member of Guy’s Lodge, who was prepared to sell it to the Lodge for the purposes of Freemasonry.
The price of £800 plus £700, for further alterations, decorating and furnishings, was raised by the Victoria House Syndicate.  Brethren of Guy’s Lodge, 27 in total, formed the syndicate which issued 159 shares at £5 each, the balance was mortgaged.

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa


Please complete the form to contact us. We aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Guy’s Lodge 395
Victoria House, Willes Road, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 4PT, England


Most frequent questions and answers

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. Although its roots lie in the traditions and ceremonies of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles, modern Freemasonry is about making friends with like minded men from all faiths and backgrounds who follow a moral and ethical approach to life. It is an organisation of men who believe that the worth of a man can be measured . . . not by wealth or by fame, but by his deeds, character and by his love for others.

Freemasonry is open to all men of all faiths over the mature age of 21, who are law-abiding, of good character and who acknowledge a belief in a Supreme Being. Freemasonry is a multi-racial and multi-cultural organisation. There are similar organisations for women

This is not a difficult as you might think. Firstly if you know someone who is a Freemason talk to them.  They will be able to explain the fraternity to you and help you find a suitable Lodge. If you don’t know anyone who is a member then contact Guy’s Lodge via our contact form and we will  arrange to meet you socially to find out more about you, and to give you a chance to find out more about us.

Following this meeting you would then, in due course, be invited to meet a committee of members, prior to being balloted for membership of the Lodge and all being well, a date would then be fixed for your admission.

Costs vary depending on which Lodge you join.

  • Guys Lodge 395 has an annual membership fee which is currently £170
  • A one off Initiation fee is paid by new members. This fee is currently £100.00
  • A one off Registration fee is paid by new members. This fee is currently £50.00
  • We have seven regular Lodge meetings each year followed by a three or four course meal (called The Festive Board) which costs approximately £20.00

Freemasonry is not for anything. Freemasonry has no grand designs, apart from ‘being happy and communicating happiness’ as we say in our ritual. Freemasons are forbidden to discuss religion or politics in Lodge and so men from widely different backgrounds and with very different interests can meet as friends in Freemasonry. Freemasonry provides companionship and social activities for its members and, often, for their families. It emphasises charity, which extends beyond its own people and their dependants. It teaches, by means of ritual, morality or the practical basis of living in civilised society.

Source: Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire Guidance Notes

Lodge meetings consist of a mixture of ritual and business.  As in any organisation there is a certain amount of  routine matters which must be attended to. These are usually conducted by the lodge secretary and communicated to the members during the regular lodge meetings. Reports are also given from other lodge officers including the Charity Steward and Treasurer. There are also a number of other matters and rituals including initiating new members into Freemasonry and passing and raising them to different degrees through a participation in a progression of allegorical two-part plays, which are learnt by heart and performed within each lodge. Other items may include lectures, demonstrations and presentations by members or visitors to the lodge.

Visiting is a very important part of Freemasonry and Guy’s Lodge welcomes visitors from many other lodges situated not just in Britain but from around the world

The ceremonies are best described as the candidate’s progress through life, by means of ritualised plays (recited from memory) similar to the old morality plays. The candidates goes through three ceremonies, or ‘degrees’ before becoming a Master Mason. This process may take several years to complete.

No. At each meeting Members are invited to give as much or as little as they can toward the charity ‘bag’ according to their circumstances. However if a member does not wish, or is unable to offer anything then no pressure or comment is ever made.  Guy’s Lodge often holds a raffle at its festive board (meal), the proceeds from which go to charity.

Throughout the year we also organise a number of events, some of which are fundraising events while others are purely social. As a result of these, at the end of each year we are usually able to donate several thousand pounds to a number of charities.

Guy’s Lodge 395
Royal leamington Spa


Guy’s Banner was donated to the Lodge by Brother Frank Glover on 7th May 1923, the previous banner having been destroyed in a fire.